February 2025 NewsletterPlease see the very full February 2025 Newsletter here...
November 2024 NewsletterRead our latest November 2024 Newsletter here…....
Save Our Cliff GardensThe Southend Cliff Gardens are a remarkably special place in our city and our history. They have been used by huge numbers of people over the years and are an important, bio-diverse green space at the heart of our seafront. South facing and overlooking the Thames, they give a unique view of our estuary and coastal location. But they have been under serious threat for some time. Ongoing minor slippage is displacing foot paths and steps, and rather than repair these over time, the Council has taken to simply barricading footpaths. This technique has spread and it is easy to see that it will get ...
Milton Society welcomes Hamlet Court CallingMilton Society is proud to be a leading supporter and driving force of the Hamlet Court Calling project, working to bring about renewal and regeneration in Hamlet Court Road, Westcliff-on-Sea. The project has the support of traders, residents and community groups as well as the Government’s High Street Task Force and Southend City Council. The road has amazing heritage in its architecture and history but now it needs us all to help build a brilliant and sustainable new future, where businesses can thrive, residents can live happily and safely, and visitors can enjoy a renewed and upbeat ...
Milton Society calls for ‘wider area’ conservation designation review in Hamlet Court30 October 2023 Milton Society has applied to Southend City Council for a review of their 2021 decision not to designate the so called ‘wider area’ of Hamlet Court as a conservation area. The area includes lower Hamlet Court Road, Ditton Court, Preston and Cossington Roads. This follows the 92.5% survey support from the public for wider designation. New evidence of the importance of local Edwardian architecture has resulted from a survey of local turrets which, in Southend, all centre on Hamlet Court Road and the neighbouring Leas area. And numerous mistakes and falsehoods have ...
Hamlet Court Road Public Survey – ResultsThe results of the public survey carried out this spring have now been collated and are published here: HAMLET COURT ROAD PUBLIC SURVEY – RESULTS The unattributed results are fairly lengthy but can can be understood quite quickly. A summary is included at the beginning. The results include all of the unattributed public comments which make interesting reading. These results will be issued to the High Street Task Force and Southend City Council to assist in the evidence base for future regeneration. Thank you to all who gave their views and especially to those who indicated they would ...
Spring 2023 NewsletterOur Spring 2023 Newsletter has just been published and here you can read all about our recent work and activites. You can find it here: Spring2023Newsletter...
- A new local Society is formed…
A new local Society was created at the recent AGMs of Hamlet Court Conservation Forum and Milton Conservation Society. It is to be called Milton Society and in due course this website will be updated to reflect the new group and describe our activities. Essentially the main work will continue in and around the local conservation areas of Milton, Shorefields and Hamlet Court but we will also be looking to assist the heritage of the local Milton area. More to follow soon…...
Hamlet Court Conservation Forum considers mergerHCCF is to consider and vote on a merger with Milton Conservation Society at its AGM on 26th October 2022 at 7.30pm at the YMCA Hub in St John’s Road, Westcliff. This exciting possibility has been considered throughout the summer and can bring significant advantages for both groups, most notably describing a far wider working area of support for local heritage in the Milton Westcliff area. Information can be shared and best practice encouraged in caring for our wider built environment. It would also bring other advantages including the opportunity for the membership to grow and the ...
Local Business Survey LaunchedA new survey of business opinion has been launched throughout Hamlet Court Road by Hamlet Court Business Partnership (HCBP) with a leaflet drop and online survey. This is open to all businesses in the road with the opportunity to give views on a whole range of local issues. You can take the survey here https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/MN2BBQK or simply scan the QR code....