Hamlet Court Road is a fine road and whilst most of the time is peaceable and friendly it does have its share of on-street problems, like other towns and other parts of Southend. But the community can help overcome local problems and here we set out some of the ways you can help this to happen:
Unsolicited and aggressive begging is a social problem across the Country and Southend Borough Council are looking at ways to help this. You can contact the local ‘Southend Multi Agency Anti Social Behaviour Response Team’ or ‘SMAART’ via this link although curiously the Council doesn’t promote this on their own website (at the time of writing). The police have explained that unsolicited/aggressive begging is a crime and therefore you should telephone 101 or 999 (in an emergency) or report incidents anonymously online via the Crimestoppers website
Rough sleeping is another social problem that can occur in the Cliff Gardens and commercial Hamlet Court Road and the best way for the care agencies to become notified and respond is by reporting via Streetlink
Other problems such as issues with refuse or fly tipping or street cleanliness should be reported to the Council and a good way to do this is via the Councils online reporting portal MySouthend. Again this is not the best promoted Council service so the best way to access it is probably by searching for ‘MySouthend’ on the Council website. You’ll need to register to set up an account first.
With Council issues it is not difficult to become exasperated but your Councillors are usually very responsive and can be contacted as follows:
Councillor Maxine Sadza – CllrMaxineSadza@southend.gov.uk
Councillor Stephen George – CllrGeorge@southend.gov.uk
Councillor Cheryl Nevin – CllrCherylNevin@southend.gov.uk