Big News 1 for 2019 – the Council are in the process of engaging consultants to undertake the ‘heritage work’ in the Hamlet Court area. We are not entirely sure what this means but it will certainly involve some sort of assessment of local heritage. The community will be invited to participate in the consultation and we will be starting our research into local history. If anyone has any historic information particularly old family photos and memories we would love to hear from you. Please email us here or post on Facebook here It has taken a great deal of work to get to this point so we can be very pleased.
Big News 2 for 2019 – this year a main piece of our work is to help bring about a traders partnership with the Council. This has the potential to access funds and bring about local improvements but most importantly engage the traders with the community and the Council. We hope this will enable us to achieve things like the Xmas lights now that we have more time than was available for this project last year.
Big News 3 for 2019 – this year is an important year for the local elections as Councillor Jonathan Garston is standing for re-election and his seat is finely balanced. We have asked BOTH main political parties to support local regeneration and we hope this is an opportunity for politicians across the spectrum to join in supporting the local community. More details will follow in the coming weeks but watch this space for updates.
If you are interested in joining our work we would love to invite you sit in on a few meetings to see what we are up to. Details can be found here Membership and local enthusiasm are the only qualifications!